Girls basketball

Friday, February 4, 2011 @ 6:30 PM
Antietam at Holy Name (Girls basketball)
 1st Qtr2nd Qtr3rd Qtr4th QtrFinal
Holy Name915181961
Highlights: At Wolf Gymnasium, the Blue Jays (7-4, 10-10) used balanced scoring to easily beat the Mountaineers (0-10, 5-13). Rachel Casciano scored 10 of her game-high 13 points in the second half. Nicole Johnson and Sarah Moult added 10 each for Holy Name. Danielle Hertzog led Antietam with 12 points.
Antietam Stats
Galan, Teliliah 000000000
Stief, Kaylyn 000000000
Hertzog, Danielle11 5000200012
MacLean, Shayne13 100000002
Stunz, Rebecca14 100000002
Epps, Vanessa20 005800005
Hughes, Kristin21 000000000
Cyphers, Nicole 000000000
Kissinger, Holly 101410004
Adame, Mackenzie 102200004
Eppler, Alicia42 000000000
Totals 90814300029
Holy Name Stats
Mastromarino, Maria10 201200005
Balatgek, Katrina11 300000006
Tulley, Madeline12 100000002
Noga, Erin14 101200003
Wooten, Kaila20 000000000
Moult, Sarah21 5000000010
Casciano, Rachel22 4059000013
Dennis, Madalyn24 200000004
Bosshard, Macy30 100000002
Johnson, Nicole32 5000000010
Pollard, Taniji34 000200000
Ciabattoni, Maria44 102200004
Fowler, Amanda45 100000002
Totals 260917000061